Being mature
should always mean that one is happier! No
one reaches forty, and then fifty – and enter through the years without choosing to be happier. And being
happy is a conscious choice, shaped by the small everyday decisions. Being happy is a cumulative process, it
is like building a ladder – every day we add
a step.

- The
greatest love that rescues us from a meaningless life, of frantic gestures, of dark
thoughts and of everyday madness. Love is the
seed, the core of happiness.
- The
affections, which are the tribes
that we have chosen. Living with people you
care about is the second conscious step to happiness. We exclude all others; all others we cast
out from our circle of the chosen ones,
and even from our Facebook.
- Forgiveness,
which is the equivalent of “cleaning” the
heart. We clean our house so many times, with such manic energy, and we
forget to clean our heart!
And the heart is the vital organ of happiness.
- Hope, which is the
bright thread that unites present
and future. It works like a kind of Ariadne's thread
that lets us discover the right path,
even when everything is black around us.

Age also lets us know what we do not want, and gives us the courage to delete it from our lives! Churchill said that courage “is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees the others.” I do not know if the courage is learned – I have rarely heard of “learning to be brave”', but I’ve always heard of “being brave”.
Being is an
intrinsic quality, which is part of the character
– to be brave, to be honest, to be anything ... So to be brave
seems to be an inborn trait that pushes us forward
even when we are terrified.
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