We like to believe that we humans are all
equal. It’s not true. Educated people are superior beings – they are more
civilized and are at an evolutionary level above the average of the general
It is very difficult - and painful
- to deal with people without education. Although education has several levels,
from the most superficial (with respect to the basic, everyday rules) to the
deepest level (connected to the aesthetics and the care for others - a kind of label
of the soul), it is the absence of the basic things that becomes more annoying
and prevents interaction. People are not expected to know everything about
etiquette, but they are expected to be able to function with the simplest
rules, and also the most essential rules of society.
Education divides the world between those
who are and those who are not educated. And in this sense, there is no such
thing as being "being half polite" because that already means that
you are not polite.
What most impacts our everyday life are
very simple gestures, in fact, they define who the person is - as if it were a
photograph. Here are some examples...

One more comment: it is shameful - and
depressing - to see how people write on social networks. Misspelling has no
justification: there are hundreds of online dictionaries, accessible with a
click. This is not just lack of education: it is the most pure and utter
Vocabulary: "please", "excuse me", "sorry" and
"thank you" are fundamental expressions for any relationship between
people. It doesn’t matter how much intimacy you have with someone, the words
are necessary in any situation. They are the foundations of civilization, and
it is no coincidence that they are the first expressions that children learn
when they begin to relate to others.
Fouling public spaces: Littering (and spitting) in the streets, parks or beaches is a real horror! The same goes for dogs: take the animal for a walk and leave the dirt scattered on the ground is not just the absence of principles, it also shows that the person is disgusting and gross.
The state of public spaces reflects the
evolutionary stage of the people: civilized people live in clean places, not
only because public services are effective, but mostly because no one throws
trash on the streets - not a paper or even the cigarette butt .
Queue-jumping: Queues are to respect because they have the sole purpose of preventing
disorder and confusion. This also applies to queues on the roads, which means
that those drivers who go by the roadside are a bunch of uneducated morons with
no respect for others.
In the queues, it is essential to give way
to the elderly, pregnant women and children - that rule also applies to public
transport. This also applies to those who pretend to be asleep in order not to
give their place – it’s an ugly gesture, and it makes their lack of character
Giving feedback: When someone is contacted (no matter how trivial the subject) or
invited to an event, you must respond. It's a basic issue of communication
called "reciprocity." Communication is like almost everything else:
it works in two ways.
Both socially and professionally, when you
don't return phone calls or emails, it is an unfortunate habit that always
reveals a lack of education and, in the second case also shows, lack of
Being polite is, first of all, respecting
the other - in every way. But each one of us gives only what we have and that
is what reveals our true nature.
Educated people are indeed superior
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